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A shadow in the dark. A voice in the void. An instance, an idea, a moment. Because a ripple can create a wave.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Magic and Mystery in London

Magic and Mystery in London

The cameras turn a moment before I step off the bus. Downtown London; a domain I make my sanctuary. Riding the streets, jumping the grid. Flowing on my intuition, I step into the moment - a Saturday, the sun is out, the sky is clear, and people are making the most of it.

The only thing set on my agenda is to attend Mr.Eman's magic show about the mysteries of the unexplained. (www.mr-eman.com) Prior to the day, me and Mr. Eman had not met, but we had crossed paths years ago at a London Parkour event. Nonetheless, since I had arrived downtown early, I use the freeom to find some nearby Breakers to introduce myself to.

Caught up in a vortex of movement, the Breakers demonstrate some "raw authentic London talent". I applaud anyone who is willing to dance in the streets and allow themselves to become fearless in the gaze of strangers. Those are the kind of people who can change the world, one beat at a time. Check out more on these B-Boys at www.illatwill.com

Reassured that the core of the city is already alive, I head towards the Mysteries of the Unexplained. Upon meeting up with Mr Eman, I find him reading a book about the many Russian experiments relating to parapsychology. Parapsychology was the blanket term coined to refer to studies like extra sensory perception, intuition, clairvoyance, premonition, communicating with dead people, remote viewing, psychokenesis, shooting lasers out of your face, and other quasi-superhero related human abilities.

Though there were no seances performed, Eman did manage to tap into and demonstrate the workings of our collective consciousness. Clever in his performance, he allowed the audience to participate in A) developing their guessing habbits and B) genuinely attempting to pick up on unspoken information. Begining with something infinetly simple, Eman choses two shapes to draw, one inside the other. After he conjured up the sigil on a piece of paper as the sender, we the audience followed suit by trying our best to identify it as a reciever. Right away I intuitevly knew the correct answer. Coincidently enough I had spent several minutes the previous day drawing it repeatidly in a modefied version of Sierpinski's Triforce. The symbol? - A circle with a triangle in it. A symbol in itself which encapsulates a core essence of reality, to me at least. Of course I was not the only one who correctly predicted the shape, nor was I the only one who was not completly blown away by the fact that it happened.

As the act continued, the predictions procceded to get more complex. I eventually found myself participating on stage as me and Eman further demonstrated our ability to share unspoken thoughts. I have had plenty experiences to date that could be categorized under parapsychology. Magic trick or not, I am under the notion that by being aware that it can happen allows you to be more open to the possibility of it happening again.

"I have long felt that the conventional questions asked about telepathy ("Does it occur, and if so, how?") are less likely to be fruitful than the question: "If telepathy occurs at all, what prevents it from occuring all the time?" - The Roots of Coincidence - An Excursion into Parapsychology (1978)

Try not to believe anything, but be willing to experience everything. Chose to expand your perceptions and learn to see the world with new eyes. Allow the mundane to become magical, and every moment worthwhile.


Music By
The Apostle

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